Commands: Configuration

The configuration command is where the Server Owner or Administrator can configure the bot and it's settings according to their Discord server.

Required parameters are marked in <>| Optional parameters are marked in ()

Viewing the current configuration

Usage: /configuration get current

This command can only be used by the server owner themselves, or someone with Administrator permissions. Running this command will allow them to view the current configuration for the Discord server in which the slash command was ran.

Updating configuration settings

Depending on which setting in the configuration you are trying to update; roles, or saving channels for various actions, the following will describe how to do both.

Updating Role Settings

Usage: /configuration update admin_role <role>
Usage: /configuration update mod_role <role>

Updating BlizzTracker Notification Channels

Usage: /configuration update d2_blizz_tracker <channel> (role)
Usage: /configuration update d4_blizz_tracker <channel> (role)

Updating WorldTracker Notification Channel

Usage: /configuration update d4_world_tracker <channel> (role)

Deleting configuration settings

Deleting Role Settings

Usage: /configuration delete admin_role
Usage: /configuration delete mod_role

Deleting BlizzTracker Notification Channels

Usage: /configuration delete d2_blizz_tracker
Usage: /configuration delete d4_blizz_tracker

Deleting WorldTracker Notification Channel

Usage: /configuration delete d4_world_tracker

Last updated